W dniu 11 czerwca 2024 r. (wtorek) o godzinie 12:00 w sali 200 odbędzie się seminarium instytutowe, na którym:
Profesor Alexander Kruger
Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability
Federation University, Australia
Optimization Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics,
Ton Duc Thang University, Viet Nam
wygłosi prezentację zatytułowaną:
Error bounds revisited
We propose a unifying general framework of quantitative primal and dual sufficient error bound conditions covering linear and nonlinear, local and global settings. We expose the roles of the assumptions involved in the error bound assertions, in particular, on the underlying space: general metric, Banach or Asplund. Employing special collections of slope operators, we introduce a succinct form of sufficient error bound conditions, which allows one to combine in a single statement several different assertions: nonlocal and local primal space conditions in complete metric spaces, and subdifferential conditions in Banach and Asplund spaces. In the nonlinear setting, we cover both the conventional and the ‘alternative’ error bound conditions.
The presentation refers to the joint work with Nguyen Duy Cuong. The talk is based on the paper:
N. D. Cuong and A. Y. Kruger, Error bounds revisited, Optimization 71 (2022), no. 4, 1021-1053.
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