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Call for a position of a scientific scholarship holder

Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences (SRI PAS) announces recruitment for one scholarship holder in the research project entitled “Mathematical control theory in problems arising in flow-structure interactions”, financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) (grant no. UMO-2023/49/B/ST1/04261).

Type of NCN Project: OPUS25 – ST1.

Project title: Mathematical control theory in problems arising in flow-structure interactions

Principal Investigator: Professor Irena Lasiecka

Position in the Project: scientific scholarship holder

Deadline for applications: June 30, 2024


  1. Master’s degree in mathematics or applied mathematics or automatic control
  2. Interest in and some familiarity with the theory of PDE and control theory
  3. Interest in and some familiarity with differential geometry
  4. Good command of English
  5. Some research experience in the area related to the project’s topics
  6. The candidate should also meet the formal requirements regarding scholarships in accordance with the regulations for awarding research scholarships in research projects financed by the National Science Center, in particular it is required that a candidate does not hold a PhD degree and is a PhD student of a doctoral school.
All the details may be found in this file.
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