In my dissertation I have studied the high performance and parallel solution of Almost Block Diagonal (ABD) linear systems. This research has not been completed upon defending my thesis. First, I have established cooperation with Pierluigi Amodio, which led to a number of additional results. Second, this has been a starting point to a more general research on the solution of structured linear systems . The results up to date have been summarized in the following publications. All papers listed here are "Technical Report" quality and copyrighted originals should be used for all purposes over and above plain curiosity.

+ "Almost Block Diagonal Linear Systems: Sequential and Parallel Solution Techniques, and Applications," with P. Amodio, J. Cash, G. Roussos, R. Wright, G. Fairweather, I. Gladwell and G, Kraut, Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, Vol. 7, 2000, 275-317

+ "A Cyclic Reduction Approach to the Numerical Solution of Boundary Value ODE's," with P. Amodio, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1997, 56-68

+ "Recent Advances in the Parallel Solution to Almost Block Diagonal Systems," with P. Amodio, ZAMM, Vol. 76, S2, 1996, 1-4

+ "On the Parallel Solution of Almost Block Diagonal Systems," with P. Amodio, Control and Cybernetics, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1996, 645-656

+ "Parallel Solution of Almost Block Diagonal Systems on a Hypercube," with P. Amodio, Linear Algebra and Applications, Vol. 176, 1996, 85-103

+ "High Performance Solution of Partial Differential Equations Discretized Using a Chebyshev Spectral Collocation Method," with C. Cyphers and A. Karageorghis, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 66(1), 1996, 71-80

+ "Parallel Solution of Almost Block Diagonal Systems Using Level 3 BLAS," with I. Gladwell, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 45, 1993, 181-189

+ "Using Level 3 BLAS to Solve Almost Block Diagonal Systems," with I. Gladwell, in: Dongarra, J., (eds.), Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992, 52-62

+ "Solving Almost Block Diagonal Systems on Parallel Computers," with I. Gladwell, Parallel Computing, No. 17, 1991, 133-153

Together with Cliff Cyhers we have developed an efficient level 3 BLAS based solver for ABD linear systems:

+ "A Level 3 BLAS Based Solver for Almost Block Diagonal Systems," with C. Cyphers, SMU Software Report No. 92-3, 1992