When Janusz Zalewski and myself worked at UTPB, we have conducted a number of studies related to the position of parallel computing in the CS curriculum. Our basic assumption was that the future of computing lies in parallel and distributed computing. We have come to the conclusion that parallel computing can be introduced into the CS curriculum without adding a special course. Just recently I came back to this idea and re-introduced it in IEEE Distributed Systems Magazine. Overall, our work has been summarized in the following publications (texts of papers should be treated as "technical reports" as they may slightly differ from the published version - which, in most cases, is the version copyrighted by the publisher and that version should be used in case of quotations):
"Shaping the Focus of the Undergraduate CS Curriculum," with J. Zalewski, SigCSE Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1996, 37-44
"Parallel and Distributed Computing Education: a Software Engineering Approach," with J. Zalewski and R. Wasniowski, in: R.L. Ibrahim (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th CSEE'95 Conference, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 187-204
"Teaching Parallel Computing without a Separate Course," with J. Zalewski, in: Nevison, C.H. (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Parallel Computing for Undergraduates, Colgate University, June, 1994, 18/1-19
"Introduction to Parallel Computing Education," with J. Zalewski, Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Vol. 9, No. 5, 1994, 85-92