Cognitive, Social and Affective Agent Platforms


The platforms included in this section can be used to model human behavior and social phenomena.

# Name Last version Programming language License Website, Documentation, Papers Description Status
1 ACT-R 7.27.9 ACT-R Cognitive architecture and theory for simulating and understanding human cognition ACTIVE
2 Cormas 0.7 Smaltalk ABM platform for simulating renewable resource management, societies relationships and their environments ACTIVE
3 DALI 2021.06 Prolog Logic prolog-based framework for defining agents and MAS with potential robotic applications ACTIVE
4 EVE (Equilibrium Verification Environment) - Python Formal verification tool analyzing temporal equilibrium properties of concurrent multi-agent systems modelled in Simple Reactive Module Language (SRML) ACTIVE
5 GOAL 2.2.0 Prolog Agent programming language for cognitive agents that derive their choice of action from their beliefs and goals ACTIVE
6 GROWLab 0.9.7 Java Software toolbox for agent-based simulation for complex social processes, especially conflict research ACTIVE
7 JASON 3.2.0 AgentSpeak Interpreter of an improved version of AgentSpeak(L) language that adheres to the BDI approach ACTIVE
8 Neural MMO 2.0.2 Python Research platform that simulates populations of agents in procedurally generated virtual worlds ACTIVE
9 PartnerMatrix - - Affiliate Marketing Software Platform and Agent Management System for casino and betting operators ACTIVE
10 PAXelerate 1.1 Java 2D ABM platform with aspects of cellular automaton (CA) used in simulations of aircraft cabin's passenger flow ACTIVE
11 Sim2APL 1.0.0 Java 2APL Java library for step-based social simulations, meant for reproducible, deterministic simulations with BDI agents ACTIVE
12 Soar 9.6.1 Soar An architecture for simulating cognitive, intelligent agents that can be used in full-range of agents' research problems ACTIVE
13 SOSIEL 2.4.6 C# Multi-agent algorithm for simulating social contexts of agents that learn, interact, and make decisions in a complex environment ACTIVE