During the period of 1993-96, the studies we have conducted with Anthony Mitchell and George Duckett on the role of computer networks in education have moved toward the question of computer literacy. What is it? What what it should be? How can one ensure that students graduating college are computer literate? The papers represent a change of ideas on my part. Initially, we have suggested that in addition to a computer literacy course, one ought to require a course related to the use of computers in the field of the student's major. It is only in the most recent papers that I have changed my mind. I now think that a standard computer literacy course can be avoided altogether and replaced by computer literacy distributed across the curriculum. Recently, I have moved toward investigating the use of educational software and its possible effects on computer literacy.
Note that texts of papers should be treated as "technical reports" as they may slightly differ from the published version - which, in most cases, is the version copyrighted by the publisher and that version should be used in case of quotations.
"Computer Literacy/Competencies: Preparing Teachers for the Information Superhighway," with T. Mitchell and G. Duckett, Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1995, 1-5
"Computer Literacy: a Global Perspective," with G. Duckett and T. Mitchell, in: Marks, G.H. (ed.), Mathematics/Science Education and Technology-1994, AACE, Charlottesville, VA, 1994, 114-117
"Using Computer Networks to Study Computer Literacy," with T. Mitchell and G. Duckett, in: Willis, J., et.al. (eds.), Technology and Teacher Education Annual, 1994, AACE, Charlottesville, VA, 1993, 91-93, abridged version of this text appears in: Computer on Campus; National Conference, University of South Carolina, 1994, 74-75
"Teaching New Technologies: Developing a Computer Literacy Course for Prospective Teachers," with T. Mitchell, Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1992, 65-70, abridged version of this text appears in: Persson, E., (ed.), NetPower-Resource Guide to Online Services, Fox Chapel Publishing, Lancaster, PA, 1993, xii-xiii