All conference participants are kindly requested to register clicking the Register now button above and filling in the form which will show up.
After registering a message will be sent to the contact e-mail address containing a password which will make it possible to execute some extra steps, if needed, as described below.
The View/Update button makes it possible to verify and/or change previously entered data.
Early registration will close on June 22, 2014. It will be considered complete only with the payment of the conference fee made before this date.
You can pay conference fee using one of methods listed below:
Bank name | Bank Pekao |
Account holder | Instytut Badan Systemowych PAN |
Account number (IBAN) | PL53124059181111000049135291 |
Details of payment | IEEE IS'14, (<your name>, <affiliation>) |
Using View/Update function you can verify the state of payment. Depending on the method of payment the 'Confirmed total paid' value may be updated with some delay - from 2-3 days for secure internet transaction to even 2-3 weeks for a bank transfer.