Rok akademicki 2011/2012:
DataReferent Tytuł
12.VI.2012 Jan Konupek Catching up faster in Bayesian model selection and model averaging
5.VI.2012 Lucian Coroianu Approximations of fuzzy numbers
29.V.2012 Jan Woźniak Cardinality concepts for type-two fuzzy sets
22.V.2012 Magdalena Malina Logiczna regresja - własności teoretyczne i zastosowania w statystycznej genetyce
15.V.2012 Sylwia Lis Fuzzy c-means
8.V.2012 1) Katarzyna Wielądek
2) Michał Wojtasiewicz
1) Connections between statistical depth functions and fuzzy sets
2) Social networks
24.IV.2012 Andrzej Panufnik On the number of groups in clustering
17.IV.2012 Marcin Kotowski On direction of dependence
3.IV.2012 Tomasz Zmorzyński Weighted and truncated distributions
20.III.2012 1) Elżbieta Kłopotek
2) Łukasz Zaniewicz
1) Small-sample quantile estimators in a large nonparametric model
2) Ranking by pairwise comparison: A note on risk minimization
20.III.2012 1) Hubert Szymanowski
2) Paweł Jamer
1) On the relationship between Spearman’s rho and Kendall’s tau for pairs of continuous random variables
2) The Kalman filter
13.III.2012 1) Jolanta Śmiarowska
2) Dorota Błaszczyk
1) Bias-robust estimation of scale parameter
2) Calibration estimators in survey sampling
6.III.2012 Andrzej Panufnik Generalized LM tests for functional form and heteroscedasticity
28.II.2012 1) Izabela Święcicka
2) Anna Cena
1) A new condition to check the independence of random variables
2) The robustness against dependence of nonparametric tests for the two-sample location problem
21.II.2012 Barbara Żogała Bias-robustness of L-estimates of location against dependence
17.I.2012 1) Katarzyna Wielądek
2) Jan Woźniak
1) Multi-argument distances
2) Working with missing values: classification models
10.I.2012 1) Jan Konupek
2) Sylwia Lis
1) Probabilistic approach to the process of mapping data collected from genotype technologies of the next generation
2) Collaborative recommendation
3.I.2012 Tomasz Zmorzyński Formal power series
20.XII.2011 1) Dorota Błaszczyk
2) Marcin Kotowski
1) Imputation of missing values for compositional data using classical and robust methods
2) Precedence-type testing - nonparametric approach in life-testing experiments
13.XII.2011 Dmitri A. Viattchenin Heuristic Algorithms of Possibilistic Clustering and Their Applications
5-9.XII.2011   XXXVII Konferencja "Statystyka Matematyczna - Wisła 2011"
29.XI.2011 1) Łukasz Zaniewicz
2) Marek Gągolewski
1) Uplift modelling
2) Wybrane operatory agregacji i ich zastosowanie w modelu formalnym systemu oceny jakości w nauce
22.XI.2011 1) Hubert Szymanowski
2) Jolanta Śmiarowska
1) Goodness-of -fit tests for imprecise data
2) Fuzzy and probabilistic implications
8.XI.2011 1) Elżbieta Kłopotek
2) Paweł Jamer
1) Grade Data Analysis - basics
2) Modeling time series with changes in regime
18.X.2011 1) Barbara Żogała
2) Anna Cena
1) Distribution of order statistics for discrete parents with applications to censored sampling
2) Proportional hazards model with covariates subject to measurement error
11.X.2011 1) Izabela Święcicka
2) Michał Wojtasiewicz
1) Estymatory kwantyli i ich własności asymptotyczne
2) Graph clustering